European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)


European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a system created for insuring a united interstate procedure of measuring and comparing among the educational institutions the results of students’ learning process and their academic recognitions.
The system elaborated for mobility’s implementation simplifies comprehension and comparison of educational programs and students’ achievements both among home academic institutions and foreign ones.

ECTS does not regulate the concept, structure or equivalency of educational programs in its core.
It’s all about quality which should be determined by universities themselves during the implementation of necessary base-lines in order to inset bilateral and multilateral partnership agreements. 

ECTS provides clarity and promotes educational recognitions. 

ECTS’s use is free-will and based on mutual trust and conviction on educational process quality of scholastic partner-institutions. It also provides implementation of allits components such as: ECTS credits’ use, grading scale, compliance of studying agreements and availability of informative packages. ECTS system was created throughout the pilot project which was financed by European Commission during 1988-1995 to increase student’s mobility and mutual recognitions of foreign education.

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